Is Gen Z Lazy?

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  • Details

    Lie Truth

  • Verdicts

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    Gen Z really is driven to improve the world and is motivated by a sense of identity and purpose. This doesn't mean they are lazy and can't stand anything Said by Laura Lane of The Lab Group defends them

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    Gen Z really is driven to improve the world and is motivated by a sense of identity and purpose. This doesn't mean they are lazy and can't stand anything Said by Laura Lane of The Lab Group defends them

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    Gen Z really is driven to improve the world and is motivated by a sense of identity and purpose. This doesn't mean they are lazy and can't stand anything Said by Laura Lane of The Lab Group defends them

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 85 %
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    There are lazy people in every generation. There may be plenty of lazy people in Gen Z, but you can't categorize the entire generation as lazy.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 80 %
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    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    I think it is a over generalisation by older people that are complaining about the younger people

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    I think it is a over generalisation by older people that are complaining about the younger people

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
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    I think it is a over generalisation by older people that are complaining about the younger people

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    I think it is a over generalisation by older people that are complaining about the younger people

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    Lacking context

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    This type of complaint by the older generations has been going on since Ugh the Caveman.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 65 %
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    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    Truth can be generational

    The deceit is that the lie is misleading.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    That all young people are lazy and entitled and don't want to improve and are making the world a terrible place. And that the older generations where better than them and that they had it a lot worse.

    The deceit is that the lie is factually true.
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
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    The deceit is that the lie is misleading.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    That all young people are lazy and entitled and don't want to improve and are making the world a terrible place. And that the older generations where better than them and that they had it a lot worse.

    The deceit is that the lie is misleading.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    That all young people are lazy and entitled and don't want to improve and are making the world a terrible place. And that the older generations where better than them and that they had it a lot worse.

    Older generations tend to perceive younger generations as having it easier and therefore being less ambitious and hard working as themselves
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
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    I find it hard to really say it is intended but it seams to be this way

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 80 %
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    Some people need to believe things like this in order to make themselves feel better about their own failures.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
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    I find it hard to really say it is intended but it seams to be this way

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    I find it hard to really say it is intended but it seams to be this way

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 80 %
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    It is not malicious deceit but it is intentional

    To give someone the blame for the bad things that are happening today. And to point the bad contitions for this group to themselfs, like they can't buy a house because they arent working. But in fact houses just got a lot more expensive
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    To give someone the blame for the bad things that are happening today. And to point the bad contitions for this group to themselfs, like they can't buy a house because they arent working. But in fact houses just got a lot more expensive
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    There are also many person motivations for each person who makes or believe this.

    To give someone the blame for the bad things that are happening today. And to point the bad contitions for this group to themselfs, like they can't buy a house because they arent working. But in fact houses just got a lot more expensive
    Answer Confidence: 35 %
    Supporting Text:

    To give someone the blame for the bad things that are happening today. And to point the bad contitions for this group to themselfs, like they can't buy a house because they arent working. But in fact houses just got a lot more expensive
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    The older generations did have it harder than those that followed. There is perhaps some residual resentment
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 55 %
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    This kind of intergenerational complaining doesn't help anyone or anything.

    Answer: Acceptable
    Answer Confidence: 35 %
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    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    Older people complaining about the newer generations
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Older people complaining about the newer generations
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    This is true, but manipulating.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Older people complaining about the newer generations
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    Older generations still perceive younger ones as entitled
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
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