Musk's Plan for Colonizing Mars Is Nonsense

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  • Details

    Lie Truth

  • Verdicts

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    The delusional notion that a Mars base could provide people to re-populate the earth after a nuclear war is a topic worthy of a bad science fiction story.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    The delusional notion that a Mars base could provide people to re-populate the earth after a nuclear war is a topic worthy of a bad science fiction story.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    The delusional notion that a Mars base could provide people to re-populate the earth after a nuclear war is a topic worthy of a bad science fiction story.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    The exploration of Mars and outer space is a worthy project, but not for the reason Musk states.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    The exploration of Mars and outer space is a worthy project, but not for the reason Musk states.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 50 %
    Supporting Text:
    The exploration of Mars and outer space is a worthy project, but not for the reason Musk states.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    The exploration of Mars and outer space is a worthy project, but not for the reason Musk states.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    The possibility of a 'self-sustaining' base on Mars is microscopically low, and someone with Musk's intellect has to know this.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    The possibility of a 'self-sustaining' base on Mars is microscopically low, and someone with Musk's intellect has to know this.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    The possibility of a 'self-sustaining' base on Mars is microscopically low, and someone with Musk's intellect has to know this.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    It's difficult to know whether Musk is being deceptive or is simply delusional since he presumably is smart enough to understand the limitations of sustainable living in Mars.

    The deceit is that Musk and his plan will be Earth's salvation.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    His claim to have humanity's best interests at heart is highly suspect. With his wealth, he could substantially reduce world hunger, or any number of real-world problems, but he doesn't.

    The deceit is that Musk and his plan will be Earth's salvation.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    His claim to have humanity's best interests at heart is highly suspect. With his wealth, he could substantially reduce world hunger, or any number of real-world problems, but he doesn't.

    The deceit is that the lie is factually true.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    The deceit is that Musk and his plan will be Earth's salvation.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    His claim to have humanity's best interests at heart is highly suspect. With his wealth, he could substantially reduce world hunger, or any number of real-world problems, but he doesn't.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    Musk is a narcissistic showman trying to excite and energize his followers and enhance his own reputation.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    Musk is a narcissistic showman trying to excite and energize his followers and enhance his own reputation.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    Musk is a narcissistic showman trying to excite and energize his followers and enhance his own reputation.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    Musk is a narcissistic showman trying to excite and energize his followers and enhance his own reputation.

    The motivation is to convince you that the lie is factually true.
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    He wants us to adopt the Trump-like belief that only Musk can save the world. Or maybe he's delusional, or smoking too much weed.

    The motivation is to convince you that the lie is factually true.
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    He wants us to adopt the Trump-like belief that only Musk can save the world. Or maybe he's delusional, or smoking too much weed.

    I'm not sure what the motivation is.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    The motivation is to convince you that the lie is factually true.
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    He wants us to adopt the Trump-like belief that only Musk can save the world. Or maybe he's delusional, or smoking too much weed.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    Claims like this should always be countered by real-world fact-checking.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    Claims like this should always be countered by real-world fact-checking.

    Answer: Acceptable
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a stretch goal. It can't happen in many many years.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    Claims like this should always be countered by real-world fact-checking.

    This is a careless claim that is not based in reality.
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    And we're paying this guy billions of tax dollars, putting him in charge of space exploration, and relying on him to solve some of society's most profound problems?

    This is a careless claim that is not based in reality.
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    And we're paying this guy billions of tax dollars, putting him in charge of space exploration, and relying on him to solve some of society's most profound problems?

    This is factually untrue.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    He should have picked Venus: which is more possible for a Venus Balloon.

    This is a careless claim that is not based in reality.
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    Musk is exploiting his notoriety and influence to shill for his Mars fantasy.