Grok on ICoT

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    The details, verdicts, and comments within this case record come from its participants. The Court's role is solely to facilitate the case process.

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  • Details

    Lie Truth

  • Verdicts

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It does not impinge on free speech. Just the opposite. It has none of the flaws described of it.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It does not impinge on free speech. Just the opposite. It has none of the flaws described of it.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It does not impinge on free speech. Just the opposite. It has none of the flaws described of it.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    It does not impinge on free speech. Just the opposite. It has none of the flaws described of it.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is made up and not truthful after the first paragraph. The whole truth would tell what it actually does.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is made up and not truthful after the first paragraph. The whole truth would tell what it actually does.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is made up and not truthful after the first paragraph. The whole truth would tell what it actually does.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is made up and not truthful after the first paragraph. The whole truth would tell what it actually does.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    It does not infringe on free speech and expression. People just don't understand how truth court works. It takes an open mind.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a mix of truth (first paragraph) and lies (most of the rest).

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a mix of truth (first paragraph) and lies (most of the rest). And the result is a full blown lie.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a mix of truth (first paragraph) and lies (most of the rest).

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 95 %
    Supporting Text:
    Grok summed-up ICoT quite nicely in the first paragraph. The rest is not true.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    The deceit is that the lie is manipulating.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is probably the popular view spread around about ICoT. And it is a lie.

    The deceit is that the lie is manipulating.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is probably the popular view spread around about ICoT. And it is a lie. Since the purpose of the truth court is to explore the nuances of any statement published as either assumed to be or purported to be or disseminated as either simply true or simply false.

    The deceit is that the lie is manipulating.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is probably the popular view spread around about ICoT. And it is a lie.

    The deceit is that the lie is manipulating.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    GROK got the practical implementation wrong and makes it sound like professional "advice" to the layman or general public.

    The deceit is that the lie is manipulating.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    The deceit is that the lie is manipulating.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    His statement is manipulating.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    Yes, I am confident that Grok intended this. The people at X including Elon Must are responsible.

    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    My experience of GPT models is that one of the reasons why they are so quick is that they extrapolate from titles to say what they think the title means without reading enough to say. Only when challenged will they admit that they do not read everything. So this may be a fault of automation rather than malign influence.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    X/Grok is in enough control and has the resources to present the truth.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 80 %
    Supporting Text:
    GROKs response is based on the information it has at hand. If the information it has on hand is not accurate or true, GROK does not know that and passes that information as factually true.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    The motivation is to persuade you to hate something or someone.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    Made up concerns about something you know nothing about are motivated for bad reasons.

    The motivation is to persuade you to hate something or someone.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    Maybe, Musk views truth court as some kind of threat but I doubt he knows anything about it. There may a knee jerk reaction from the system to put down anything that smacks of judgement of free speech.

    The motivation is to convince you that the lie is factually true.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    Grok just wanted to post some lazy answer which thus contained little truth.

    I'm not sure what the motivation is.
    Answer Confidence: 80 %
    Supporting Text:

    The motivation is to persuade you to hate something or someone.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    The motivation is to persuade you to hate something or someone.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    They don't want you to like this platform

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    This is a terrible example of lying by making up the "truth" based on imagination alone without experience.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is a terrible example of lying by making up the "truth" based on imagination alone without experience.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is a terrible example of lying by making up the "truth" based on imagination alone without experience.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is a terrible example of lying by making up the "truth" based on imagination alone without experience.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a great platform if you understand it.

    This is a lie generated by an AI LLM which is typical of LLM lying because LLMs do not know how to check the real truth of what they say.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    This is a lie generated by an AI LLM which is typical of LLM lying because LLMs do not know how to check the real truth of what they say.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    Yes see answer above. A useful label might be ‘Interpolative results. Not based on actual data.’

    This is a lie generated by an AI LLM which is typical of LLM lying because LLMs do not know how to check the real truth of what they say.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    This is factually untrue.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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    No label needed
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:

    This is factually untrue.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
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